Many people can face the problem of skin discoloration owing to injuries, illness, or inflammation. However, there are some people who face it to the extremes losing all of their skin color and developing white patches all over their body. They may also face pre-mature whitening of hair. This is a skin condition called Vitiligo/Leukoderma which is caused due to an auto immune action where the immune system accidentally starts attacking the melanin cells of the skin which are responsible for giving color to the skin. As these cells get destroyed faster than they are produced in the body, it leads to skin losing its natural color and turning white.
Such a condition is very disturbing and distressing for the patient and leads to low confidence and self-esteem. However, most patients usually choose to live with it and eventually become comfortable with their condition because they know that there is no cure for the disease. But the matter of fact is that no cure in no manner means that you need to live with something you don’t want to. No cure nowhere says no treatment. In fact, there are a number of ways in which you can treat and control your vitiligo.
Vitiligo Treatments
There exist a wide range of treatments for vitiligo treatments, from home remedies to lasers, you can try it all to get rid of your white patches, at least for some time. Baabchi seeds are the most effective home remedy for vitiligo. They help in preventing the melanin cells from the immune system actions and in the repigmentation of the skin. There are also medical treatments for the problem which can be used as ointments, creams, gels, or pills. Corticosteroids are the best choice. Other than that, immuno-modulators and calcipotriene are also helpful with controlling the immune system actions and restoring the skin color. Other ways with which you can restore your skin color and control your problem are phototherapy and laser treatments. These treatments use light energy to penetrate the skin and calm down the immune system action.
The catch with vitiligo treatments is that you need to calm the actions of the immune system. All you need to do is stop the immune system from attacking the melanocytes or do something that produces melanin cells at a rate faster than they are destroyed. If you are able to achieve that, you have your vitiligo well in control, and you will not have to face the trauma of living with the white patches and blotches.
